Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Can you believe this?

"There is no God. There is only military force." The speaker is seven years old.


There is an interesting question in all of this, Saqib: What is the best way to react to "terrorism" [i.e., in this case, the systematic attack on "non-combatants" [i.e., civilians by combatants] for political [CULTURAL] ends]? I would like to hear what other readers have to sya on this matter.
For mysef, I have no hard and fast answers, but I am inclined to think that no matter what the reaction, one should take care that the reaction is well thought out, is reflexive [i.e., one is aware of why one CHOOSES the reaction on does], and in other words, that the reaction is not"knee-jerk" or based in pathos.

I'm sure all readers would say that they have an emotional reaction to such stories, to such events, but we must move beyond these reactions. I think pathos is what has led to the war in Iraq [Bush et al manipulate the nation's emotions] and the building of the wall in Israel/Palestine. So... keeping that in mind, what is the best course of action? And furthermore, what can we do now for survivors of terrorism.

[please keep in mind that survivors of terrorism occupy several selves, including a national-political self that they may have little control over but are no less conflated with in the eyes of "terrorists," governmental and non-governmental]

[also please keep in mind that I take full responsibility for my excessive application of parenthetical brakets.]

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