Saturday, July 02, 2005


Sorry. I had to do it.

So, "adultery" could be refering to several acts. Which do you think Alvin did?
I feel like you should know, Alvin.
I feel like you should back off, sucka!

SO what if I love cheese danishes like that? I'm a human being(-like singing chipmunk who doesn't wear pants), dammit! I'm made of flesh. If you prick us (human being-like singing chipmunks who don't wear pants) do we not bleed? I'm weak. WEAK! But then, aren't we all? So let he who is without sin cast the first...

I was just about to refer the New York Times to this blog, they're doing an article on the hidden gems of the blog world. But after this shameful post on Alvin's fellating a cheese danish, I can say with total confidence the New York Times is no longer interested.
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