Saturday, April 23, 2005


"No fiction." by Surewood Ravine

Well-written ideas taken out of context (and order):

"All stories need characters."

"Extreme frat/sorority party coverage could work..."

"Sell me on your idea. The writing is almost secondary to the idea."

"Queries should be short, punchy, creative, descriptive, about 4-5 paragraphs maximum."

"No fiction."

"An example of a college tie-in story that I recently bought is a 1000-word piece about two environmental studies grads from Middlebury College in Vermont who built a bus that ran off used vegetable oil and set off to drive across the U.S. and Mexico. Their goal: to live green & get laid. Mission accomplished."

"No I-got-drunk-&-laid stories. (Everyone gets drunk & laid in college. That's why we go.)"

"If you really feel you must query articles like this, they have to be unusually compelling or scandalous..."

"And yes, you must publish using your own name."

"All stories need to grab the reader straightaway..."

"...have a buildup of dramatic...tension."

"...followed by a con.............c........ccclusion. "

From "Hustler Magazine seeks college writers", listing on

Gotta love craigslist!
Gotta love craigslist!
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