Monday, March 28, 2005


Seeking: Asian female with bachelor(ette?)'s degree

Fancy this. A Census report (which I cannot find on the Webternet--can you?) finds that income among bachelor's degree holders varies with sex and race.

Here's the story: Black, Asian women with college degree outearn white women

Among women with bachelor's degrees:

(If you're wondering how these numbers compare to the general population breakdown by race...then you're like me. Here's a link to get you started: national population estimates - characteristics)

Add about 18 grand to those numbers and you've got the income stats for men with bachelor's degrees:
What do you suppose this all means?

Some other noteworthy facts on the Census site: College degree nearly doubles annual earnings, Census Bureau reports
(all numbers are for 2004 and for people over 25. This is a very short press release.)
The first statistic interests me the most. Wyoming, Nebraska and Montana...solid red states, are they not? Consider this prevalence of high school education in light of the various controversies in Red America regarding creationism and evolution qua "theory".
Blasphemous? Those documentaries scarcely even touch the surface; they are primarily designed to delight--really, to maximize the incredible audiovisual experience--not teach, and they don't exactly focus on the hard science in astronomy, anthropology, geology, whatever. If these are blasphemy, telescopes and the periodic table are anathema.

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