Monday, March 21, 2005



OK, I'm going to quickly metamorphose into and out of "Saqib's Ethics Corner", and here's why:

1) I haven't posted in some time; and
2) Another reason I'm not telling you.

My talented roommate owns two guinea pigs ("Sake" and "Chianti"). [I call him 'talented' because he will be attending a high-caliber graduate school on the east coast in August.] I don't know the reason behind it, but he says that he will not be able to take his pets to grad school. It likely has to do with inconvenience, or trauma or something.

So what is his broadest set of options? Adoption. The pound (i.e. euthanasia). Release into wild. I think those are the only ones we discussed.

What he asked me: Would it be inhumane to euthanize his guinea pigs? I pass this question on to you. What do you think?

Some points to consider:
-Know any psychobiology? (A guinea pig's subjective experience)
-Society does not value guinea pigs' lives.
-One of the GPs was smuggled out of a lab to begin with.
-Gordon is at least the 2nd owner of these pets.
-They are both female.
-Spiritual/metaphysical considerations are fair game.

Have at it. I'm going to dig up some reading about guinea pigs in the laboratory.

Here's a piece from a source that I trust:
Some facts:
-Guinea pigs come from South America.
-Their immune systems resemble human ones.
-Some Peruvians eat guinea pigs.
-A vet at Washington U estimates that 99% of experimental animals are rats and mice.

Adams (the author) provides a link to this literary masterwork about the uses of GPs in the lab:

Some uses (Direct citation)--
1. Schultz-Dale technique: Sensitized guinea Pig uterus exposed to foreign protein releases histamine and smooth muscle contraction is measured.

Ouch. Another:
6. Evaluation of antitussive agents using guinea pigs involves inhalation of coughing agents such as ammonia, sulfur dioxide. and citric acid.

Now I see why karma might be an issue.
Glenn is cool
i know not a soul that frequents this blog and fell upon this gem by chance... and what tuna had to say was some of the most hilarious reading of done in a while
I also know not a soul that frequents this blog. I mean, the guinea pigs read it, but they haven't a soul between them.
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