Monday, February 07, 2005


Seth Stevenson ( on Super Bowl ads

The link is here:, and I don't think it's great work, but...

"An Anheuser-Busch ad salutes our troops. Yay troops."

...that's friggin hilarious.

Here's the link to the ad:
The ad is titled "Anheuser Busch: Thanking the troops".

This morning on KPCC, Larry Mantle was asking whether this commercial was political. I dunno. While I was watching it, I felt like it was sort of lame...really sentimental, when we probably should be wiping away tears for the poor sobs whose nation was invaded, who get one hour of electricity a day, who don't have clean water, who are threatened for wanting to participate in the civic system, who vote in spite of threats and never bitch about it.

All the same, the middle-left makes sure the country knows that they too "support our troops". Supposedly this is an apolitical question--how could anyone NOT 'support' our boys? (And girls--if the Busch spot is to be believed, after all, something like 40% of our troops are women, and half of them are minorities.) And I can begin to see that. At the very least, the middle-left needs to be taken seriously by Red America. A guaranteed way to lose that is to speak in "I told you so" tones whenever American troops die in Iraq.

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